The Great Hagerstown Hamfest 2025 Details
May 3, 2025
Maugansville Bible Brethren Church
17904 Binkley Ave,
Maugansville, MD 21767
GPS coordinates:
N 390 41’ 56.163”, W 770 44’ 45.321”
Tickets and Admission
- General Admission: $7.00 per person
- Outdoor Tailgating: $7.00 per 8 ft space
- Indoor Tables in Main Building:
- In Advance $10.00 per table
- Day of Hamfest $15.00 per table
- General Admission Tickets are required of all tailgaters and vendors in addition to outdoor space or indoor table rental fee.
- All tables and spaces are rented on a First Come-First Served basis.
- All Payments must be by Cash or Check payable to Antietam Radio Association
- Friday night setup is available after 6:00 PM
- Reserve Tables and Spaces by mail, email, or phone:
- Mail orders: Please pay by check only. Do not mail cash. Send to P.O. Box address shown under CONTACTS (next page)
- Email or Phone Orders: Use information shown below.
- Deadlines: ALL reservations (mail, email and phone) must be received by APRIL 30. Orders received and paid by APRIL 21 will receive tickets by return mail. Later orders will be held for pickup at the Hamfest Club Table (Main Building )
Hamfest Features
- Large Indoor Vendor Area (Sorry, outdoor tailgating pavilions and vehicle/trailer access to inside of Main Building are not available at this venue)
- Paved Open Tailgating Area
- Overnight monitoring provided for vendors who set up Friday evening inside main building. (Overnight monitoring not available outside main building. Set up at own risk.)
- ARA Club Equipment Sale & Auction
- Prize Drawings throughout the day! (Must be present to win non-cash prizes.)
- ARRL VEC TEAM Testing Session 1:00 PM
- Walk-Ins Accepted (check-in 12:30-12:45)
- NOTE FRN Number is Required In Advance
- Checking QSL Cards
- QWCA -Quarter Century Wireless Association members are available for information
- Easy Access from I-81
- Food Concession serving Breakfast and Lunch 7 AM – 12:30 PM
- Commercial Eating Establishments at nearby I-81 exits
- **Additional Items May Be Announced – Check our Website for Updates**
- 06:00 AM Gates Open for Vendors & Tailgaters
- 07:00 AM Main Building Opens for Attendees
- 08:00 AM-12:00 PM Prize Drawings (Must be present to win non-cash prizes)
- 08:30 AM-10:00 AM Forums – TBD
- 10:00 AM ARA Cake will be cut and ready to serve It goes good with a cup of coffee!
- 10:00 AM Equipment Auction (see our website for current list)
- 12:30 PM ** HAMFEST ENDS**
- 1:00 PM ARRL VEC Team – Amateur License Exams (please check-in for exam between 12:30-12:45 PM)
- VEC details: Please see our Website:
Our Hamfest Philosophy:
The emphasis has been and will always be on building an "old fashion" Hamfest. We will always try to include seminars, tailgate sales, inside sales, auction, the food concession, VE testing sessions, vendors and much, much more.....
- Hamfest Chairman: Joe Maguire (WA1ZZQ)
- Email –
- Phone – 972-965-9486
- Alternate Contact: Steve Struharik (WA8EIH)
- Email –
- Phone – 240-818-1248
Talk in Repeater
- Hamfest Repeater 147.090 + (PL Tone 100 Hz)
- Backup only 146.940 - (PL Tone 100 H z)
- Weapons, ammunition, or pornographic material may NOT be displayed or sold at the Hamfest site.
- NO alcohol or drugs are permitted at the Hamfest site.
- Commercial vendors are responsible for tax collections and should have proper tax/license certificate available.