2024 Wings and Wheels 2024 LogoHelp needed for a table at the Wings & Wheels event on September 14th

from 9-4 at the Hagerstown Aviation Museum.

Contact Joe Maguire at maguirejb@gmail.com if you are willing to help.

Every little bit helps!


Monthly Breakfast

The last Saturday of each month we gather for breakfast. It’s a great time for eyeball QSOs with people you’ve spoken to over the air, or just to meet up with friends you haven’t seen for while.

The ARA monthly breakfast is located at:

190 Railroad Lane
Hagerstown, MD


Click here for their web page and menu

Officially, the breakfast starts at 9:00 AM, but it is always a good idea to come a little early to make sure that you get a good seat.

Please RSVP Bob Long, KD3JK so we can report an accurate head count to the venue.
