2024 Wings and Wheels 2024 LogoHelp needed for a table at the Wings & Wheels event on September 14th

from 9-4 at the Hagerstown Aviation Museum.

Contact Joe Maguire at maguirejb@gmail.com if you are willing to help.

Every little bit helps!



Every year the Antietam Radio Association supports local organizations for communication needs during their organization's special events -- Why not just use a cellphone, anyway? That is a great, and very valid question! 

Many of the areas in which many of events take place are well outside of decent cell phone coverage, so the ARA volunteers its time and equipment to help ensure that communications get from point A to point B -- every time.

If you feel that we may be able to help you and your Organization, simply complete the form below to get in contact with someone from the ARA who can explain what we may be able to do to assist with your organization's communications needs.

Past Events

  • Fort Ritchie Triathalon
  • JFK Marathon
  • Steam fest at HCC
  • Table at Wings and Wheels
  • Mummers Parade
  • HARC Hike
Americas/New York
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