2024 Wings and Wheels 2024 LogoHelp needed for a table at the Wings & Wheels event on September 14th

from 9-4 at the Hagerstown Aviation Museum.

Contact Joe Maguire at maguirejb@gmail.com if you are willing to help.

Every little bit helps!


Meeting Information

About the Club

Welcome to the Antietam Radio Association, or ARA for short. It is our hope that you’ll enjoy your visit to our website and will return often. The Antietam Radio Association is located in Hagerstown Maryland, and services the Four State area.

The Antietam Radio Association is a general interest club, which supports all modes of operation, and provides strong support to RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service).

Meeting Information

The Antietam Radio Association holds its meetings on the first and third Tuesday of most months. The ARA does not hold an Activities Meeting (second meeting) in July, August, and depending on the calendar, December).

The activities meetings, which take place on the third Tuesday of each month, are usually preceded by an informal pre-meeting social for food and drink at the American Legion on Northern Ave in Hagerstown. Each member picks up his/her own tab.

We are fortunate to have stable venues:

Pre-meeting socials

Before the Meeting on the third Tuesday  of the month there is a Pre-meeting social held at the American Legion from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM at:

American Legion
405 Northern Avenue
Hagerstown, MD 21742

Meetings begin at 7:00PM at:

Maugansville Church
17904 Binkley Ave.
Maugansville, MD 21767
Rooms 2 & 3