2024 Wings and Wheels 2024 LogoHelp needed for a table at the Wings & Wheels event on September 14th

from 9-4 at the Hagerstown Aviation Museum.

Contact Joe Maguire at maguirejb@gmail.com if you are willing to help.

Every little bit helps!


Life Members

Lifetime membership is an honor bestowed on club members by their fellow members who have dedicated a large part of their time to further amateur radio in their community and in service to the Antietam Radio Association.

Karin Christensen, KB3GFV
Robert Long, KD3JK
Jean Morris, KB3COE
Charles Mulligan, N3MVR
John Smith, W3SPY
Bill Drager, K3UMV (silent key, October 2023)
Jack Willock, W3NHR (silent key)
Page Pyne, WA3EOP (silent key)
Andy Abraham, W3JZY (silent key)
Robinson Binau, KC3DW (silent key)
Cyrus Jones, W3EHA (silent key)
Douglas Lunde, WA4IBY (silent key)