The Great Hagerstown Hamfest!

Things to look for at the Hamfest:

  • $50 Heathkit receiver model HR-10 covers 80M thru 10M vacuum tube
  • $75 Heathkit transmitter model DX60A, 80M thru 10M 6146 output tube/90 watts input with matching Heathkit HG-10 VFO
  • $10 Craig auto equalizer
  • $10 Kraco 40 watt PB-131A stereo auto booster amp
  • $10 Radio shack CB transceiver
  • $100 Hallicrafters SX-99 receiver, nice, covers broadcast thru 34 Mhz.
  • $380 Electrovoice RE-20 microphone – like new
  • $400 Shure SM7B microphone – like new
  • $100 ART equalizer model EQ351 – one year old- in box with manual
  • $200 Hartman dbx model 1315 equalizer – one year old- in box with manual

Collins “S” line from 1960 with owners manuals and cables for transceiver operation:
$350 75S-1 receiver with all crystals – operational (electrolytic capacitor replaced

$500 32S-1 transmitter with all crystals except 3c, 2e, 3e Includes recapped power supply with new rectifier tubes, Motorola desk mike, Patch cables for transceiver operation on one VFO, and 6146 output tubes by RCA

$600 30L-1 linear amplifier with 4-811A output tubes by Mullard
$100 Spectronics digital display DD-1C plugs into Collins VFO for digital frequency readout – no manual – operational

$300 Yaesu 726R 3 band all mode transceiver with tone generator for PLL has modules for 6M, 2M, 440-450 mhz plus extra 2M module manuals included, 10 watts output, 120 vac or 12 vdc operation
$250 Mirage 6M amplifier, 10 watt in for 150 watt out with manual – Model A-1015 tuned for bottom of 6M band

$150 Precision tube tester Model 10-12 in VG condition – roll chart, manual, CD for additional info, plug in adapter for 5 additional tube sockets 7 amp; 9 pin tube aligners, also tests batteries – has the following sockets: 4,5,6,7 pin large, 7 amp; 9 pin miniature, acorn, sub-miniature in line & circular, octal, 12 pin, compactron, novar, 5 & 7 pin nuvistor; $90 Meissner analyst 1940 test set – recapped with bright eye tubes, operational.

$50 Boonton RF voltmeter Model 91H – 100 microvolt – 3 volts, with probes line cord and adapters
$20 each-3 Craig mini portable tape recorders, 2 operational, one for parts, 3” tape reels

Some of these items, if still available, may be part of the silent auction...  something that we are trying new for this year's hamfest.

If interested contact Tim Keener N3VGS