2024 Wings and Wheels 2024 LogoHelp needed for a table at the Wings & Wheels event on September 14th

from 9-4 at the Hagerstown Aviation Museum.

Contact Joe Maguire at maguirejb@gmail.com if you are willing to help.

Every little bit helps!


09/975 Back to Normal

After a week of the repeaters on top of Quirauk (High Rock) mountin being in a mostly usable state they are now back to there normal operation. Some maintenace that should have been simple turned into a bit more work that involved bringing the controller back down off the mountain. Greg, Tim and Adam went up on sunday to resintall the repeater and test the eqipment to make sure it is all back to operational state. The repeaters should now longer tell you the wrong time of day when they annouce there IDs which annoyed many of us. The phone line is still not operational so no calling for pizza over the repeater. 

If you notice any repeater not functioning correctly  pleae let us know at repeaters@antietamradio.org